
To a man who fell in love with the ocean 

There is nothing but promise, in the waves 

Immersion and supplication are the same

The shore is unsatisfying safe  

To be one, to be undone in the sea 

To love, to be loved, to be free 

The waters’ depths stir visions 

Only a lover’s eyes can see  

Maelstroms of madness and faith 

Storms are not fury, but passion 

The clouds are castles, cathedrals- not wraiths 

The darker the sky, the more looser 

The inhibitions 

The winds toss and writhe restlessly 

A man who falls in love with the ocean 

Can look past the destruction, to beauty

Horizons are milestones, sunsets, sunrise  

Stars are encrypted words

To scream from the edge of the decaying cliffs 

Torn in self doubt, if the ocean has even 

Even heard 

Answers… Cannot be wrested 

Capricious, she may answer, yet silently 

He cannot breach the surface

He cannot reach, touch her face 

For he must breathe 

Drown if he must, but that is all the fulfillment 

A man who fell in love  

Will get, from loving the sea 






I wonder about the inherent lunacy
Of letting the moon reason with me
She’s too convincing, just like you
And drew me out
In abject fallacy
You ravage me, and she ravishes me
Which is why my nights are a
Trial, of remembering to forget
All the things I wished you’d say, and
All the things I say,
that I regret
While we still wade through the
Murky waters, of
All left unsaid
We still get along swimmingly, though
Let’s face it
My madness is an bottomless ocean, and
We both want to get wet




Bring the tide in back to me
I want to get my feet wet, one more time
Before it recedes to
The recesses of the ocean
The moon won’t leave me signs
She stranded me on an empty shore, and
My bones are dry, my face is salt
I walk, and walk, in paces faltering
Waiting for the ocean, he isn’t
And I’m almost lost, I want
To see him, before I melt
One last time, bring back the tide
I want to get my heart wet


The Dark Side of the Moon


The Dark Side of the Moon

Oh this world was never so lost
Never was I so thrown away
Cast adrift off ancient shores,
Long forgotten, cast away,
In the melting light, the night
Ripples ‘cross the memories, of
Yesterday, tomorrow, and the
Last today on shadowed seas…

Where is the blue stone round my neck,
Where fell apart the thread of time?
Were you there with me, in me
Perfumed in the scent of brine?
Oh were I forgotten too
Amidst the driftwood, seaweed strips,
Oh this world was never so lost
As the wind on my salt kissed lips

As the passing of countless ships
The seekers went, the oysters said,
Diving deep to cold, clammy death,
Blue skeletons on sandy beds
We watched it all, we laughed to see
The albatross who flew aside,
The breeze, it whipped across our faces
We worked upon our love, all night..

You and I lay, languidly strewn
Upon this dark side of the moon….


Day 29 of NaPoWriMo. A special thanks to the Dark Side poetry group, who’s name inspired this poem.

And to my friend Andy, Happy Birthday!! 😀

Moonlight to you,

Cookie ❤






Her Blue Eyes


Her Blue Eyes

The owner of those blue eyes
Is so, so far away
Walking in veil, disguised
In glorious disarray
They darken to a storm when
A hought furrows her forehead
That isn’t in good form, and
Near navy striae shed
A tiny pearly tear, but
So quickly wiped away,
My owner of blue eyes will
Not show her weakness stray
And sometimes shot with lapis,
And sometimes so azure,
My Blue eyes golden sparkles
Despite what she endures

And to that lady, blue eyed,
This is all I can say,
You’re beautiful, my dear friend,
Blue eyed or not, it stays
Your heart is what announces
That your voice shines so blue,
As just a side, complement
To the wonder of you..


Day 28 of NaPoWriMo, and today’s prompt calls for colors. A poem all about colors! Funny then that I wrote this poem almost exactly a month ago, for a very special blue eyed lady. =)

Sometimes bad things happen to us when we least expect them to. On the flip side, sometimes great things happen to us right out of the blue. And just sometimes, if we’re very lucky, great people happen to us too. My Blue Eyes is a girl who I’m blessed to know. In fact, she’s one of those people who everyone she knows is blessed to know. =)

I won’t tell you who she is, since I don’t plan on sharing her (muahahahaha!) the only clue I’ll give away, is that she’s my very own Hail’s Bells! =)

Hope you’re having a great Sunday!

Blue to you too, from a very very blue

Cookie ❤

A Day at the Beach


A Day at the Beach

I was perched on the rim of a rock pool, paddling my feel idly in the almost still water. Ahead of the little enclosed spot where I sat, the pool twisted out through a furrow, and led on into the endless sapphire ocean. Ever so often a larger than normal wave would strike the beach, and the impact would send a little shiver of excitement through the water in the pool as well. It was quite cool, despite the sun bearing down so harshly. The horizon was nothing but a sheet of blindingly lit mirror, as the ocean tried to throw the sun back into the sky. All he was really managing was a near epileptic disco ball imitation. I was blissfully unaware of all the convoluted interactions going on outside. My spot near the scraggly copse of trees was shady, and comfortable. So comfortable in fact, that I was almost sleepy, even with my feet in the pool. I closed my eyes and leaned against the nearest trunk, idly paddling in the crystal clear water. There were pebbles there, in the shallow side. I should remember to get a handful back, the next time I go. Smooth and round, bluish gray, I could feel them under my toes. They’ll give me some beautiful dreams from my bedside, with all they’ve seen..


A cold wind ran through the leaves and over me, surprisingly chilly. I opened my eyes to see that the sky had darkened considerably. The sun was half drowned and somewhat put out, glowering from where he was partly under the waves. The pool too was quaking softly, excitement seemingly replaced by a sense of foreboding. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been there, but I sat up straight and pulled my sketching pad out. I’d come to draw and I might as well have drawn that ship out at sea as anything else.


Death came to me, and sat close by. I looked over contentedly, not in the least put out by having to share my secret spot or my solitude. He’s a regular companion, and today the poor fellow just looked exhausted. He smiled wanly and I passed over my bottle of lemonade, still somewhat cool. He drank and passed it back, with a silently mouthed thank you. We just sat there, me drawing, him watching the tide bring him more work. I was done with about three pages already, but the quiet companionship was a peaceful moment that I didn’t want to break. He rarely took a beat to catch his breath, and it already looked like he was going to have a long night, what with the gathering storm.


Light came to me, giving me a start, really. She has this way of creeping up on me, almost always catching me off guard. Only recently I’ve started to notice that she’s there or arriving, by the absence of shadows. It’s a roundabout way of doing things, but effective so far. She sat down on the other side under a tree, tucking her pale legs underneath her. Ignoring Death again. I hate it when she does that. Death needs a little light too sometimes, just as evanescent light needs to come to death eventually, but she’s very begrudging about it. You’d think that by now she’d be more graceful about it all, but ah, she’s a stubborn one. Death gave me a part sorrowful, part I-don’t-really-care look, but sidled closer to me all the same.He seemed more grumpy than tired now, and I suppose I knew why, I could see him coming too.


Night came to me, and threw his arms wide in cheery announcement. Tossing his blanket far and wide, in his flamboyant velvety purple way. I Iike him, Night. He’s a good one, when he’s not being petulant or moody, or all hyperactive and not letting me sleep. Still, he’s only human, and I can’t hold that against him. We all have out faults.


Light seemed quite put out by not being the center of attention any more. After a few awkwardly spaced conversations, she took her leave and sidled down the road in her wordless, gliding walk. Both the boys were deep in conversation. Night was telling death all about the New Moon. She’d been missing since a few days and now had shown up suddenly, thin and sickly looking. Death didn’t like the Moon so much. She was out of his reach, what with her immortal waxing and waning. He told Night as much, and the talk went on into another hour.


I suppose I fell asleep somewhere in the midst of all this. At some point Death picked me up and carried me home, and put me to bed. Night, the sweetheart that he is, decided they’d stay with me till the sun came up. I tend to wake up suddenly if I’m alone in the house, and both of them know this. Which is why they fixed a few snacks and settled to watch tv down the hall from where I slept. Don’t know what I would do without them. These guys, they round off my world, really.


I snoozed my way till much past dawn. (Snored a little too somewhere. Hopefully no one was around or I’ll never hear the end of it). Woke both the boys fast asleep in my living room. One on the sofa, one on the settee. It’s always a sight, all their long lanky limbs folded into my pint sized furniture. Fixed a quick breakfast for us all. Night just crawled into my bed and fell asleep. Death tanked up on the contents of my coffee pot, and dragged himself to finish off the work he’d left lying around.


As for me? I didn’t get too far. Turns out when I opened the door to let the cat out, Morning was already there on my door step, waiting for me. ..


